2016 Alumi (Smith/Orr) attend March for Life

Categories: alumni, Announcements1.1 min read

January 28, 2022


2016 Alumni Support Pro-Life; Smith and Orr Attend March for Life in Washington D.C.

Story submitted by Emily Smith, SJS alum 2016

“My name is Emily Smith, and I am a Saint Joseph Catholic School graduate of 2016. I am currently attending the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University in St. Joseph, Minnesota. This past weekend I had the privilege of attending the 49th annual March for Life in Washington D.C. The student-led organization, Students for Life, at my university organized and helped finance the trip. I was accompanied by 20 other students from my University, as well my lifetime best friend, and former St. Joseph School classmate, Lexi Orr. We flew out on Thursday, January 20th, and had until Sunday to experience the city.”

“On the day of the march, my roommates and I woke up early and made a sign to carry at the march. We then traveled as a group to the National Mall, where nearly 200,000 people gathered in honor of our cause. Over the next two hours, we listened to an amazing panel of speakers, including Senators, Congressmen/women, and (my personal favorite) Fr. Mike Schmitz. Since Roe vs. Wade is again being considered in the Supreme Court, the energy in the crowd was electric! After the conclusion of the speakers, we marched around the mall and up Capital hill, proudly carrying our signs. It was incredible to be surrounded by so many people from around the country, all marching for the dignity of life for all. As we quoted on our sign, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14. It was an honor to stand up for the defenseless, and a privilege to stand in the presence of so many amazing people.”